Emily Nabnian

You have reached my professional and occasionally personal practice operating worldwide on EST.

Typical services span design, art direction, curation, strategy & copywriting.  

Previously New York, sometimes Brazil and “originally” from London, I currently work at Poolsuite.

“Select Clients” include YouTube, Pinterest, VSCO, Nike, Paloma Wool, We’re Not Really Strangers, Sunroom & Cami Árboles/MBSC.

Studio partnerships include PORTO ROCHA, Studio NARI, Hyphen Works and No Ideas.

I research & curate prolifically on Are.na.

I also do a newsletter.

For all other enquiries, please reach out here.

Emily Nabnian is an ideas person, is learning something new, is prolific on Are.na, is asking for your TestFlight, is obsessed with physicality and 90s Prada, is reading Stuff, is reminiscing about last summer, is surfing the web, is eating katsu, is writing, is plotting, is collecting, and is, above all, curious about the future, and you.